NC Record 027

From ENC Phillips Group Wiki


23 June 1776

Names in record

Capt. Heinrich Schmidt, Heinrich Schmidt, Col. Armstrong, Joseph Williams, Capt. Joseph Philips, Joseph Philips

Record type


Text of Record

“Capt. Heinrich Schmidt and his men left this morning, taking the four prisoners, who were on horseback, bound hand and foot, and were to be put in the Richmond jail. The Brethren Bagge and Bonn made out a statement of the damage the prisoners had done, and gave it to Capt. Schmidt to take to Col. Armstrong, with our request that he take our considerable loss into consideration… Toward evening there arrived Col. Armstrong, Mr. Joseph Williams, Capt. Joseph Philips and Capt. Schmidt, who brought back the four prisoners, under guard.”


(Quote from Volume III of Records of the Moravians in NC.)
Credit transcription and/or comments to: Nancy Kiser

County of record

Surry County