NC Record 020
From ENC Phillips Group Wiki
24 Feb 1776
Names in record
Capt. Volp, Col. Armstrong, George Loesch, Joseph Phillips, Griffith Rutherford
Record type
Text of Record
“Capt. Volp visited our English Settlement and took their guns and the little powder they had. Daniel Schmid had to swear that he would do nothing against the liberty of the land; then when he declared himself a Brother and told them that during the recent Commission in Salem Col. Armstrong had received full satisfaction, they returned one of his guns but kept the other, for which the Captain gave him a receipt. George Loesch came back from the troop and went home; probably others will follow him.”
(From Volume III of Records of the Moravians in North Carolina. This Capt. Volp might be Capt. Joseph Phillips, but there was also a family of Volp/Fulp living in Surry County at this time and at least two of them served in the Revolution. Furthermore, Joseph Phillips does not appear to have received his commission as captain until April of 1776. Colonel John Armstrong was in the 2nd North Carolina Brigade of the Surry County Militia and he served under Brigadier General Griffith Rutherford in the Battle of Camden, South Caroline, 16 Aug 1780.)
Credit transcription and/or comments to: Nancy Kiser
County of record
Surry County